13 Content Marketing ideas for NZ businesses to be found online without paying for it.9/16/2013 6 Comments If you've heard of Content Marketing and have thought it is just something American that won't affect New Zealand business for the meantime anyway, read on to see how easy it is to be found online without paying for it...
Content marketing is the term used to describe the information online about your product and business. The following quote sums up it’s use perfectly… “If you’re creating content that’s interesting, useful, and helpful, your customers and prospects will do more of your marketing for you, helping your company work less arduously and expensively on interruption marketing in its various guises. Most organizations start with social media, only later to find that social media, in the content sharing sense, will only work if we develop amazing stories that solve our customers’ pain points” A bit like buying advertising space, the more content you put online the more space you take up meaning plentiful opportunitues to be found online and it’s free. Here are some content marketing ideas… 1. Blog Posts The prospect of writing a blog might seem daunting to some, but even 5 minutes a week to write about something fresh happening in your business or industry that will create interest is well worth it. Blogs promote your business and products without question and are a resource for your customers as well as helping you be found online by new customers. 2. Guest Blog Posts Contributing to another blog/s is also hugely important. Writing on other websites gets you in front of new audiences. 3. How-To Guides You are an expert and presenting your knowledge in a video, blog post, pdf, images or on your website gives you the opportunity to show yorself as an expert and increase your chance of being found online for your expertise. Demonstrate a ‘how-to’ for learning something, doing a project, or some tips. 4. Images Apparently 93% of communication is nonverbal which means great photos, illustrations and graphics give you the perfect opportunity to attract fans, get your message out, make your idea clear and get attention. 5. Infographics Infographics, if you haven’t heard of these are information presented into great looking graphics, look on pinterest, there are many here. And because of sites like pinterest are a powerful way to get techy and detailed info across and because they look so good are shared around a lot. 6. Video Stand out with a video or two. Use for demonstrations, interviews, instructions and how-tos. 7. Illustrations With visual marketing going back to a more vintage look illustrations are good for visually communicating a message, especially that old hand drawn look, perfect for instructions, recipes, invitations and more. 8. Testimonials Referrals and testimonials will always be the best way to gain customers, provide proof of your value from happy customers and use on your website and social media. Help make the process of giving testimonials easier too by providing a form for doing this on your website or a link to your social media pages on your site too. Also encourage people to do this by sending out an online form to provide feedback. 9. Case Studies Showing your customers how you have helped others and the results is a great way to gain attention, use this on your blog, website and your email newsletter. 11. Email Newsletters Mailchimp is fantastic for a simple, professional way to email your customers, there is also the option to have a sign-up form on your website to grow your list. Content that can be read quickly is best, using short sentences and bullet points with valuable content (don’t re-use what you find online, write original content as Google sees your recycled content and won’t see your upload as a valuable inclusion) that inspires readers and they actually want to read. Mailchimp provides the statistics to see if your email was actually opened. 12. Ebooks If you are using your blog to become an expert on a subject and are looking for a way to earn something from this, for a more wholesome way to go than adsense, packaging your expertise into an eBook either for a small dollar amount or as a giveaway is a great way to increase your value online and maybe make some money. 13. Twitter Chat If you haven’t already set yourself up a Twitter account, (pages can be designed to be consistent with your branding) set up some people you’d like to follow to see how it works. Once you know how you’d like to use it for yourself start some twitter chats for discussing subjects, find out what your audience is interested in, then ask some questions about your topic.
June 2014